Monday, April 13, 2009

Letter writing is an art

Cultivate, develop narration

I remember having read in my school on letter writing. Mere writing letter that anyone could do. But you will have to get the effect on the recipient. That effect may be one of joy or bringing tears into their eyes.
To a person thousands of miles away, you bring forth the prevailing condition at your end. Like say, a dad writing to his daughter who is far off. 'Old grandma is sitting in the chair in her bedroom. She is trying stitch her torn sweater and with her poor eye sight, she finds it difficult to get the thread into the ear of the needle. I happen to see the predicament of hers and help her in achieving her end.
'Tommy is playing in our foreground. While I am writing this letter to you, the time here is 4.15 pm. Your mom and brother are sitting beside me. Since you left Bharu your brother Mani who used to go along with for learning car driving does not show much interest. He is awaiting your arrival from your assignment next month. We are all anxious to see you. Keep in good spirit.'
By this letter the young lady would visualise and cherish her memory. The letter writing should be such that the reader of the same feels at home. The loneliness would be forgotten and she would feel among her family members.
Am I right?

1 comment:

  1. I too remember a letter...

    Respected Sir,
    As I am suffering from fever, kindly grant me leave for two days.
    Thanking You,
    Yours obediently,
