Wednesday, April 15, 2009

'Cho' it is not rain

Enagey Brahmenan?

Cho's Engey Brahmenan search, he serialised in his Tughlak now continues in Jaya TV. What a pity. Once more the readers have to undergo the torment in visual media. Brahminical language is abundant in the serial. Ashok, the character is made to undergo sea change. He is Vasishtar incarnation, acording to the story.
Earthly pleasure he shuns, spiritual treasure he guns. Cho Ramasamy has created a character lokalike Periyar's disciple who interpolate the beliefs of ardent devotees and followers of a faith. He makes fun, who is convinced with convincing explanations by Tughlak editor. It seems he is half convinced, the viewers are made laughing stock. A search in vain it seems. What he tries to convey through this serial is anybody's guess.
He uprights religious rituals and at other time, he himself ridicules them it seems. Never he tries to demean the beliefs of one sect. Yet the serial goes on and it might be premature to comment on it. Out of anxiety this little endeavour of analysing, not analysing, to some extent reasoning out was attempted which may be considered by the author.
Poor parents of the hero and his girl friend find it difficult to (under)estimate him. The bhagavathar who wants him to be seen in the up above the world so high himself finds self defeated. There is no villain as such in the episode and seemingly villain is Ashok himself to himself.
Mother is as mother and the father wants his son to lead a life as other youngsters but the son is sun to be shone forever for he detests wordly pleasure and longs of eternal knowledge which has been eluding him. It is hoped that at the end of the serial he would attain gnana which is the happy end of such serials. This is no critical review but the wish is in every one's mind that the boy should shine as star in his haven, rather heaven.