Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some privileged lots

Go Deep to 'i'nflict 'ka'yam

In an organisation some late entries rule the roost. Bosses favour those elements. For what it is not known. May be stronger connection - business or other professional interest - which hurts the feelings of one that was loyal to the core.
Philosophically if taken on stride, what for having strove hard for the company the poor soul? It is not self sympathy, but out of apathy. If that person has to be elevated let that person be given executive post and fat salary on par with the MD or immediate boss. Why should the weakling be trampled under the feet of that late comer?
The indelible wound that has been nitched out will never be etched out. They may come any time go any time. Nothing can stop them. No power on earth can prevent them from creating havoc - that is wounding the feelings of others. Privileged lots suckers. Blood suckers as leeches.

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